Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Appropriations, Part 2U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969 - Finance, Public |
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1968 Obligations 1969 Available 1970 Federal Grant 1970 Other Grants 1970 Total Positions 1970 Total Resources administrative Amount 1970 Full amount of personnel amounts in thousands Anacostia assistant Available 1970 Total Board of Education budget building Chairman Class 15 classroom clerk clerk-typist clinic community school Comparison of 1969 Congress Heights construction services CORNICK cost D.C. General Hospital DAVIS Department DIGGS Direct Appropriation District of Columbia Elementary School equipment facilities Federal funds fiscal year 1970 Glenn Dale grade Health Center high school Hospital instructional Items Junior High JUSTIFICATION Dollar amounts Levels of Operation Medical Officer mentally retarded Miss THOMPSON NATCHER NICKENS nurses Occupational Therapists Passow percent personnel compensa positions allowed Positions or Units prekindergarten problems PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION Dollar public schools pupil requested school system staff supplies teacher aides tion and benefits Units Amount 1970 within-grade WOODSON WYATT
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Page 228 - The purposes of this title are — (1) to protect and enhance the quality of the Nation's air resources so as to promote the public health and welfare and the productive capacity of its population...
Page 944 - Community Power and Education" in the 1974 Yearbook of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development to be published. Mr. NATCHER. Thank you, Ms. Sizemore. Mr. Rosenfield, it is a pleasure to have you appear before our committee. You have appeared on a number of occasions and...
Page 1204 - Mr. DAVIS. That is all I have at this point, Mr. Chairman. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Mr.
Page 546 - Chairman, members of the committee, I am pleased to meet with you to discuss the Bush administration's fiscal policy plans.
Page 577 - ... 100.0 Mr. NATCHER. As you know, at one time the number of teachers in a temporary category was up to 43 percent. Where are we at the present time? Dr. MANNING. I believe it is 26 percent. Mr. NATCHER. That is a good showing, 26 percent. BUILDINGS. SCHOOLS, AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION UNITS ix OPERATION Mr. NATCHER. Under "Buildings, schools, and school administrative units in operation," if you will update the table on page 319 of last year's hearings.
Page 221 - Department's central intake facility. This woman has as her sole responsibility that of endeavoring to motivate those applying for welfare assistance to take advantage of this birth control program. In addition, steps are being taken in the community to increase awareness of the birth control programs among those in the ehildbearing age.
Page 571 - Inservice programs 100,000 2. Intern teacher program 616,400 C. Increased level of education supplies and materials 143. 590 D. Improvement of instruction : Library service 243,060 Total 1, 549, 591 1970 Passow Recommendations * A.
Page 962 - Yes, sir; we will be glad to insert that in the record, but I would like to point out to the committee that the...
Page 286 - It is hoped that the result will show strengthened family life, a move towards economic independence, and more AFDC children remaining in school and preparing themselves to enter successfully the labor market. The AFDC Protective Services Section will provide the staff needed to accomplish these goals. This program will earn 75% Federal matching funds. Increased local funds of $722,841 are requested for day care — $46,216 for 23 additional positions, $664,125 for day care payments, and $12,500...
Page 224 - Aged, a multitude of other services will l>e made available in the new construction, including physical medicine and rehabilitation; a chest clinic including tuberculosis ; speech and hearing; venereal disease: multiphasic screening, and others. There will also be a Neighborhood Health Center in the new construction. Alcoholism The Department of Public Health supplies a wide range of services to alcoholics in the District of Columbia. Inpatient services are supplied at DC General Hospital for those...