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ts Sector Notebook
mental problems and
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unique environmental issues. Togemel with notebooks for 1 / other industries, the notebook you

hold in your hand is the result.

These notebooks will help business managers to better understand their regulatory requirements,
learn more about how others in their industry have undertaken regulatory compliance and the
innovative methods some have found to prevent pollution in the first instance. These notebooks
will give useful information to state regulatory agencies moving toward industry-based programs.
Across EPA we will use this manual to better integrate our programs and improve our compliance
assistance efforts.

I encourage you to use this notebook to evaluate and improve the way that together we achieve
our important environmental protection goals. I am confident that these notebooks will help us to
move forward in ensuring that -- in industry after industry, community after community --
environmental protection and economic prosperity go hand in hand.

Carol M. Browner

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ycled Paper (20% Postconsumer)

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This report is one in a series of volumes published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide information of general interest regarding environmental issues associated with specific industrial sectors. The documents were developed under contract by Abt Associates (Cambridge, MA), and BoozAllen & Hamilton, Inc. (McLean, VA). This publication may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. A listing of available Sector Notebooks and document numbers is included at the end of this document.

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Using the form provided at the end of this document, all mail orders should be directed to:

U.S. Government Printing Office

P.O. Box 371954

Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954

Complimentary volumes are available to certain groups or subscribers, such as public and academic libraries, Federal, State, local, and foreign governments, and the media. For further information, and for answers to questions pertaining to these documents, please refer to the contact names and numbers provided within this volume.

Electronic versions of all Sector Notebooks are available on the EPA Enviro$en$e Bulletin Board and via Internet on the Enviro$en$e World Wide Web. Downloading procedures are described in Appendix A of this document.

September 1995

SIC Code 25

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