Airports: Design, Construction and Management |
Preliminary Requirements to Airport Planning | 1 |
Site Selection | 17 |
Emulsified Asphalt Aggregate Base Course for Airport Run | 24 |
Copyright | |
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A.A.S.H.O. Method aircraft airport allowed amount applied approved backfill base course material binder course bituminous material California bearing ratio cent center line Civil Aeronautics Civil Aeronautics Administration clay coarse aggregate coat compacted concrete conform construction contractor crushed cubic density depth determined drainage edge emulsified asphalt engineer equipment excavation filler finished furnishing gradation grade hangar hydrophilic inch joint layer layout lights liquid limit maximum measured ment minimum mixer mixing mixture moisture content necessary obstruction obtained operations pavement paving percent percentage pipe placed planes plans plant plasticity index Portland cement radio removed rip rap rock asphalt roller rolling runway sample sand satisfactory screenings shown sieve soil soil classification space specific gravity specifications spread standard structure subbase subgrade sufficient surface course taxiway temperature terminal building thickness TIE BARS tion tower uniform wearing course weight wheel loads width