Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935: Hearings, April 16 to 29, 1935U.S. Government Printing Office, 1935 - Electric utilities |
Common terms and phrases
affiliate amendments Associated Gas bill Bond & Share capital charges Colonel CHANTLAND Commissioner SPLAWN committee common stock Commonwealth & Southern Congress contracts CORCORAN corporation cost court DEVANE dividends EGAN Electric Bond electric energy fact Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission FERGUSON Gas & Electric going holding-company industry interstate commerce Interstate Commerce Commission investment issue jurisdiction kilowatt-hours legislation license MACLANE matter MOORE natural gas natural-gas North American Co operating companies ownership panies percent plant preferred stock provisions public interest public utility public utility holding public-utility company question rates reason reference registered holding company require securities Senator BONE Senator BROWN Senator COUZENS Senator HASTINGS Senator MINTON Senator SHIPSTEAD Senator WHITE situation statement subsidiary company thereof thing tion transmission United utility companies utility holding companies Water Power Act WILLKIE
Popular passages
Page 30 - If any party shall apply to the court for leave to adduce additional evidence, and shall show to the satisfaction of the court that such additional evidence is material and that there were reasonable grounds for failure to adduce such evidence in the...
Page 28 - Commission, there to produce records, if so ordered, or to give testimony touching the matter under investigation or in question; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof. All process in any such case may be served in the judicial district whereof such person is an inhabitant or wherever he may be found or may be doing business.
Page 32 - If any provision of this Act or the application of such provision to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby.
Page 48 - ... may be served in any other district of which the defendant is an inhabitant or wherever the defendant may be found.
Page 28 - For the purpose of any such investigation^ or any other proceeding under this title, any member of the Commission or any officer designated by it is empowered to administer oaths and affirmations, subpena witnesses, compel their attendance, take evidence, and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, or other records which the Commission deems relevant or material to the inquiry.
Page 236 - That the project adopted, including the maps, plans, and specifications, shall be such as in the judgment of the Commission will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for improving or developing a waterway or waterways for the use or benefit of interstate or foreign commerce, for the improvement and utilization of waterpower development, and for other beneficial public uses, including recreational purposes...
Page 45 - Commission may, in its discretion, make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine whether any person has violated or is about to violate...
Page 225 - ... Congress has jurisdiction under its authority to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several States, and which either in their natural or improved condition, notwithstanding interruptions between the navigable parts of such streams or waters by falls, shallows, or rapids compelling land carriage, are used or suitable for use for the transportation of persons or property in interstate or foreign commerce...
Page 26 - Territorial courts, of all suits in equity and actions at law brought to enforce any liability or duty created by, or to enjoin any violation of this title or the rules, regulations, or orders thereunder.
Page 45 - Act, to prescribe the manner in which such reports shall be made, and to require from such carriers specific answers to all questions upon which the Commission may need information.