District of Columbia Appropriations for 1970: Hearings, Part 2 ... 91st Congress, 1st Session: Education, Executive Office, Health and Welfare, Highways and Traffic, Sanitary Engineering, Testimony ...1969 - 1575 pages |
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1968 Obligations 1969 Available 1970 Other Grants 1970 Total Positions administrative Amount 1970 Full amount of personnel amounts in thousands Anacostia assistant Available 1970 Total Board of Education budget building Chairman Class 15 classroom clerical clerk clerk-typist clinic community school Comparison of 1969 Congress Heights construction services CORNICK cost counselors D.C. General Hospital DAVIS Department DIGGS Direct Appropriation District of Columbia Elementary School equipment facilities Federal funds fiscal year 1970 Glenn Dale grade high school Hospital instructional Items Junior High JUSTIFICATION Dollar amounts Levels of Operation Medical Officer mental health mentally retarded Miss THOMPSON model school division NATCHER NICKENS nurses Occupational Therapists Passow percent personnel compensa positions allowed Positions or Units prekindergarten problems PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION Dollar public schools pupil requested school system social staff supplies teacher aides tion and benefits Units Amount 1970 within-grade WOODSON WYATT
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Page 1183 - Mr. DAVIS. That is all I have at this point, Mr. Chairman. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Mr.
Page 762 - This is significantly below the Board standards. TEACHER AIDES In teacher aides we are asking for 307. We presently have none funded from general appropriations. Mr. NATCHER. Now, Dr. Manning, this is a new program. Dr. MANNING. We do have teacher aides who are funded under Federal funds at the present time. Mr. NATCHER. How many do you have at the present time ? Dr. MANNING. We have 192. Mr. NATCHER. And you are asking for 307. Why the increase * Why don't you go along with 192? Why not use the...
Page 214 - Tliis woman has as her sole responsibility that of endeavoring to motivate those applying for welfare assistance to take advantage of this birth control program. In addition, steps are being taken in the community to increase awareness of the birth control programs among those in the childbearing age. Furthermore, mechanisms are now under investigation which we hope will enlarge the scope of eligibility for the program. Venereal Disease In fiscal year 19C8, 772 cases of infectious syphilis were found,...
Page 1340 - ... established a leader schedule and a supervisor schedule. The District also moved its rates to compare exactly with the Federal agencies. The average increase was 12.8 percent. FUNDING The Congress has authorized the Commissioner to increase the rates of pay for wage board employees, and the request that you have before you is to pay for the increases already granted in fiscal year 1969 — the conversion cost is approximately $3 million and the pay increase approximately $2 million. 1969 SUPPLEMENTAL...
Page 1360 - This will be the 16th payment and will leave a balance of $1,786,000. HOSPITAL FACILITIES ACT REPAYMENT The second request is for the Hospital Facilities Act repayment. Under the Hospital Facilities Act; the Washington Hospital Center was constructed and we do have eight grants to individual hospitals which were made and for which we have to pay our share. This in most cases amounts to 50 percent of the grant. The other portion of the grant is paid by the Federal Government. The 1971 request is for...
Page 220 - ... eligible to go to Children's Hospital, which is participating, or to the Pediatric Unit of District of Columbia General Hospital. An additional 32,000 are individuals over the age of 65 who are eligible for medicare and. therefore, should have little difficulty in securing services in the voluntary hospitals. This, then, leaves only 22,000 persons between the ages of 21 and 64 who could not go into voluntary hospitals should these hosnitals be unwilling to participate in the medicaid program....
Page 556 - Data for all systems listed (except District of Columbia) were submitted by superintendents of schools in response to a request for arithmetic mean class size in the regular •elementary grades.
Page 1360 - Center was constructed and we do have eight grants to individual hospitals which were made and for which we have to pay back our share. This does, in most cases, amount to 50 percent of the grant. The other part of the grant is paid by the Federal Government. On page 35-3 it does indicate that these grants by no means pay for the total cost of the addition or improvements made to these hospitals, but do, in fact, just pay for a portion of it. 1170 ST. ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL The last item under Federal...
Page 556 - ... 15.8 16.5 16.8 17.3 16.7 17.2 15.8 16.8 13.4 11.6 13.1 14.1 22.6 22.1 22.3 24.0 23.9 23.7 23.8 24.4 26.3 26.5 26.3 24.6 23.8 19.1 18.8 17.1 16.9 17.6 16.7 18.0 17.5 17.0 16.7 17.2 18.2 17.9 15.0 18.8 16.7 13.8 13.7 13. 1 PUBLIC SCHOOLS COMPARISON OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS WITH OTHER CITIES (See p. 221) COMPARATIVE AREA AND CONSTRUCTION COST PER PUPIL AMONG 12 MAJOR URBAN SCHOOL SYSTEMS' ' All of the listed costs, with the exception of Morgan in Washington...
Page 552 - In-service programs 100,000 2. Intern teacher program 616,400 C. Increased level of education supplies and materials 143, 590 D.