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Connect to E$BBS via a modem, using communications software set to the
above settings by dialing:

(703) 908-2092

NOTE: EPA Employees can access E$ directly via LAN from the Agency Lan Services Menu or Icon and then follow the instructions below. The end of this document lists additional resources for accessing E$BBS through the LAN.

Once you are in the BBS, hit the ENTER/RETURN key twice (2) to accept
the default values for the screen.

on successive pages, type your first name and hit

ENTER/RETURN; type your last name and hit ENTER/RETURN;
and type your password (if you have NOT registered yet,
make one up, and remember it for subsequent logons to
E$) and hit ENTER/RETURN; and

Register (first time only) and immediately receive access to the BBS
for 120 minutes per day;

Type responses to the Registration questions, and hit

ENTER/RETURN to begin using ENVIRO$ENSE. (Tip: the last
registration question is Country? _

You may need to hit ENTER/RETURN several times to move past System
News and Alert messages.


The files that appear on the following table can be downloaded from E$. Most files cannot be viewed on-screen within the E$BBS. As indicated on the following table, each document appears in several formats - WordPerfect 5.1 (PC), WordPerfect 6.1 (PC), Microsoft Word 5.1a (Mac) or WordPerfect 2.0 (Mac). Please note that the quality of formatting and graphics is highest in the file version in which the notebook was originally created. The high quality versions are underlined on the following list of filenames.

Information on Macintosh/Microsoft Word Files

Available Macintosh files are not compressed. The files are easily identified by the seventh and eighth position in the filename - which is "MA." The extension They can be directly downloaded and read using Microsoft Word 5.1a, or within other word processing software that supports conversion of Microsoft Word 5.1a documents. Conversion to other programs may alter formatting and graphics quality.

Information on PC/WordPerfect Files

The WordPerfect files are all compressed ("zipped" files ending with the .ZIP extension) files that need to be decompressed ("unzipped") after they are downloaded. The notebooks that are available in WP 5.1 and WP 6.0 are zipped together (this is why the filenames on the following table are the same). When these files are downloaded and "unzipped," you will have a version with the extension ".WP5" and one with ".WP6".

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Note: Underlined files contain the highest quality format/graphics



From the E$ Main Menu, select "D" to Download then hit ENTER/RETURN. Type in the Sector Notebook filename from above that you would like to select for downloading and hit ENTER/RETURN.

The system will ask you to select a file transfer protocol. Select the file transfer protocol that matches what you have selected within your PC communications software (ZModem is recommended) and hit ENTER/RETURN. (Tip: ZModem users may also be allowed to enter more than one filename to download more than one document at a time. Simply continue to enter a new filename each time a new filename prompt appears on the screen. This option is disabled for other users.)

At this point, you may

begin downloading by hitting ENTER/RETURN. This should begin the download if you are using the ZModem transfer protocol. If you don't see information on the screen showing the progress of the download, follow the next step.

If the download does not begin after following the last step, you need to tell your communications software to start receiving the file. To do this, look for a

"RECEIVE" icon or command on your communications software menu and activate it. This tells your software to begin the download.


When the download is completed, a message will appear on the screen to confirm transmission.

The downloaded file will appear in the folder or directory that you defined in your communications software.

Repeat the above procedure to download other notebooks.

Macintosh users can logoff using the [G]oodbye command from the main menu

HAVE DOWNLOADED ZIPPED FILES (files with a ".ZIP" filename

In order to read the zipped file(s) you have downloaded, you
must download the decompression software required to
"unzip" your files. To download the decompression software, follow
the same download instructions given above. Type in the filename
"PKZ204G.EXE" and hit ENTER/RETURN. You only need to download
this file to your hard drive once.

Logoff using the [G]oodbye command from the main menu.

To end the phone connection, the user should use the "hang up" or "terminate call” option provided with your communications software.

Macintosh files do not need to be decompressed)

After you have downloaded a compressed (".ZIP") file to your PC, you must decompress it to its original format and size by using the "PKUnzip" file which you downloaded at the beginning of Step 3. The file which you downloaded; "PKZ204G.EXE", contains PKZip.EXE and PKUnzip.EXE files. PKUNZIP will decompress the file, returning it to its original size and format as if it had never been compressed or transmitted over the BBS. To use the PK commands (pkunzip.exe & pkzip.exe), you must be at the DOS prompt (third-party software interfaces exist for Windows). For details on how to use either command, simply type the command at the DOS prompt (without any parameters, i.e., just type "PKUNZIP") and hit ENTER/RETURN. Since parameters are required for the PKs to work they will automatically go into help mode and give you a brief explanation of how they work. If a user needs more direction, there is full documentation included in the PKZ204G.EXE in the "Hints" file.

To decompress any file, use PKUNZIP.EXE by taking the following steps:

Go to the DOS C: prompt and type PKUNZIP.EXE; then,

Type "PKUNZIP [Filename]" (e.g., the filename and the path of the
compressed file you wish to decompress).

NOTE: after the paired files are unzipped, two files will exist, one with the
extension ".WP5" and one with the extension ".WP6.




Comments on the Sector Notebooks, or supplemental documents of interest can be uploaded to the Enviro$en$e BBS. Follow upload instructions that appear on the screen, or look at the instructions for compressing and uploading documents. The instructional documents are listed below under Section D of this Appendix. All documents that you upload will be publicly accessible, and should contain a short abstract (less than 50 words) that describes the document. It is recommended that this abstract contain the words "Sector Notebook Comments," the title of the Notebook that the comments are directed toward, and the words "SIC <<Insert applicable 2-digit SIC code>>".

NOTE: To help the system operator know what you've uploaded and where it
should be put within the BBS, it is helpful to send a message to the system
operator. Before logging out of E$, you will be given the option to comment to the
system operator (Sysop). Please indicate what files you have sent, and that the
comments or supplemental documents should be placed in Directory 51 - "Sector
Compliance Information and Notebooks." Messages can also be sent to the Sysop
from the main menu using the Message option.


The following files can be viewed from the "Bulletins" section of E$BBS main menu. To receive these documents electronically, the files can be downloaded (and viewed) from Directory #160 (utilities). If you would like to download these files, follow the same procedures that are outlined (Section C). The directions for direct dial modem users are different than the directions for EPA LAN users. How you have accessed the E$BBS determines which of the paired files below that you should follow.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

The total cost of my order is $

Price includes regular shipping and handling and is subject to change.

[blocks in formation]

Important: Please include this completed order form with your remittance.

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